أغلق مربع البحث هذا.
  • LB576 LED NIR machine7
  • آلة LB576 LED NIR8
  • LB576 LED NIR machine9
  • LB576 LED NIR machine10
  • LB576 LED NIR machine11
  • LB576 LED NIR machine12
  • LB576 LED NIR machine14
  • LB576 LED NIR machine6

جهاز العلاج بضوء LED القابل للطي بتقنية NIR مع بخاخ النانو

أبرز الملامح

  • العلاج بضوء LED+ ضوء الأشعة تحت الحمراء القريبة (NIR)

  • ضوء LED بـ 7 ألوان

  • 170 حبة مصباح مخصص 170 قطعة

  • رذاذ النانو البارد

كيف تعمل

LED light therapy: With different wavelengths of LED light, it can penetrate the skin. The skin cells will absorb the light energy and different lights have different effects on the skin. It can promote collagen regeneration and rejuvenate the skin. This PDT therapy beauty machine combines 6 different wavelengths of light with a cyclic light, including red, green, blue, yellow (R+G), cyan (G+B), and purple (R+B).

Near-infrared light (NIR): As an auxiliary method of LED, it can penetrate the deeper layers of the skin and stimulate the generation of collagen and elastin, as well as provide anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects.

Cold spray: high-speed vibration converts the water into ultra-fine particles to hydrate skin and maintain water balance.

LB576 LED NIR machine15


  • علاج حب الشباب

  • إزالة التجاعيد

  • Tighten& brighten skin

  • تجديد شباب البشرة

  • Anti-aging Pore shrinking

ماكينة LED PDT ذات 7 ألوان LB357 6
7 color LED PDT machine LB357 4

الميزات الرئيسية

LB576 LED NIR machine1

Near-infrared light (NIR)

In addition to LED light therapy, this machine applies near-infrared light, which can penetrate the deeper layers of the skin and stimulate collagen and elastin regeneration.

LB576 LED NIR machine2

6 wavelengths of light with cyclic light

Red light, green light, blue light, yellow light (R+G), cyan (G+B), and purple (R+B)

LB576 LED NIR machine3

Portable and foldable design

The device can be disassembled into three parts and folded up for transport. Its packaging is smaller to save transport space and freight.

LB576 LED NIR machine4

الرذاذ البارد النانوي عالي التردد

The Nano cold spray is on the top of the instrument. During the treatment, it will spray to hydrate your skin and prevent dry skin.

LB576 LED NIR machine5

التحكم بشاشة اللمس

You can adjust the treatment time, energy level and select the LED light as you want.

هيكل الماكينة

LB576 LED NIR spray

معلمة الماكينة

اسم المنتج جهاز العلاج بضوء LED القابل للطي بتقنية NIR مع بخاخ النانو
رقم الموديل LB576
التكنولوجيا LED light therapy+ near-infrared light (NIR)+ cold spray
LED light color red, green, blue, yellow (R+G), cyan (G+B), purple (R+B), cyclic light
Lamp bead amount 170PCS
Spay flow 5 مستويات
الطاقة 45W
حجم العبوة 31.5*19*26.5cm
وزن العبوة 1.8kg

طلب عرض أسعار

    طلب عرض أسعار

      طلب عرض أسعار

      * نحن نحترم سريتك، وجميع المعلومات محمية.
