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Navigating Your Options: RF Microneedling vs Microneedling

A common discussion entails ‘skin rejuvenation treatment,’ RF Microneedling versus Microneedling. These treatments aim to improve one’s skin quality, polish fine lines, and even manage acne scars. While both fall under collagen induction therapy, they use different mechanisms to achieve skin rejuvenation and skin tightening.


What is a Spa? Ultimate Guide to Types, Benefits & Equipment

Having evolved over hundreds of years to include ancient healing practices, spa culture integrates modern health and wellness standards. The industry has transformed greatly over the years, adapting from the Roman’s vast spa bath houses to today’s advanced med spa facilities, ensuring that ever changing lifestyles and unique requirements are met.

2024 annual party 3

Memories of 2024 Annual Party

On January 18, 2025, Komison …


Spa Day Costs: How Much Is a Spa Day? Explained

There’s nothing that quite compares with a spa day and the relaxation it offers after what feels like an eternity of hard work. But with that being said, there are some costs involved which should be first understood – the most common of which revolves around the question ‘How much is a spa day?’.


Spa Startup Secrets: How to Start a Spa with No Money

Venturing into the spa business may appear not to be a walk in the park particularly if you’re lacking your own funds however I can show you that starting a spa with no money can become achievable with a definite plan.


Demystifying Wellness Centers: What Is a Wellness Center?

A wellness center is a place that aims to improve physical, mental and emotional health of an individual through different services, programs, and treatments. It also places a high value on prevention, offering lifestyle modification approaches instead of just offering assistance for existing conditions.


Navigating Your Options: RF Microneedling vs Microneedling

A common discussion entails ‘skin rejuvenation treatment,’ RF Microneedling versus Microneedling. These treatments aim to improve one’s skin quality, polish fine lines, and even manage acne scars. While both fall under collagen induction therapy, they use different mechanisms to achieve skin rejuvenation and skin tightening.


What is a Spa? Ultimate Guide to Types, Benefits & Equipment

Having evolved over hundreds of years to include ancient healing practices, spa culture integrates modern health and wellness standards. The industry has transformed greatly over the years, adapting from the Roman’s vast spa bath houses to today’s advanced med spa facilities, ensuring that ever changing lifestyles and unique requirements are met.

2024 annual party 3

Memories of 2024 Annual Party

On January 18, 2025, Komison held the annual party with surprise and joy. At the beginning of the party, we …


Spa Day Costs: How Much Is a Spa Day? Explained

There’s nothing that quite compares with a spa day and the relaxation it offers after what feels like an eternity of hard work. But with that being said, there are some costs involved which should be first understood – the most common of which revolves around the question ‘How much is a spa day?’.


Spa Startup Secrets: How to Start a Spa with No Money

Venturing into the spa business may appear not to be a walk in the park particularly if you’re lacking your own funds however I can show you that starting a spa with no money can become achievable with a definite plan.


Demystifying Wellness Centers: What Is a Wellness Center?

A wellness center is a place that aims to improve physical, mental and emotional health of an individual through different services, programs, and treatments. It also places a high value on prevention, offering lifestyle modification approaches instead of just offering assistance for existing conditions.

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